Terrible – Life Of Wolf - Wild Life Sim Review

One of the worst games I've ever tried. First off you can't even customize your wolf in any way. Second have you even TRIED to move? Turn speed is as slow as a snail (or slower)! Third, have you even tried to PLAY? Terrible camera angle, terrible controls, and mucky graphics make for a terrible game. Ads pop up every five seconds. THere's a time limit on levels so you can't even pass the second one because of how stupid controls are. Not even worth a Download. Clearly a money machine. I do have to complement the decent photo editing skills used in the supposed "screenshots" of the game though. Lol looks nothing like the actual bad graphics. Ps. FYI It's not a jungle. Wolves don't live in jungles. It should be a forest.
Review by LolGurl... on Life Of Wolf - Wild Life Sim.

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Worst Ever

Cool oh yeah