A Game Changer – Lawnmower - Blockchain Investing & Market Data Review

This new release of the acclaimed mobile app, Lawnmower is a game changer. The app, which in the past allowed a user of any knowledge level to easily and regularly invest in Bitcoin, has added in capabilities that provide analyst level information to Blockchain assets and introduces the Lawnmower Blockchain Index, which is an index of the leading Blockchain assets. The newly upgraded tool allows even the most casual user access to data and information on the growing cryptocurrency markets, including information on Ethereum, The DAO, Lisk, Factom, Ripple and of course, Bitcoin. Perhaps the most exciting part of the new release is the setting of the stage for the upcoming capabilities within the app to easily invest in portfolios of cryptocurrencies. Potential portfolios could be comprised of leading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Factom, Lisk and Ethereum to provide access across the various cryptocurrencies based on themes or functionality. It's clean, modern and yet intelligent design is professional looking but also welcoming for the millennial investor (or investor of any age or level) who can utilize the dollar cost averaging capability of the app to implement a long-term approach to investing in what could be the investments of the future.
Review by JackTatar on Lawnmower - Blockchain Investing & Market Data.

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