Mixed Feelings – Archibald's Adventures Lite Review

This game is well designed and I enjoy the problem-solving required. I easily considered the game 5 stars until I reached the levels that require moving a bubble around to accomplish tasks. The premise is cool & I enjoyed it for 2 levels; then it got frustrating because I spent my energy on that darn bubble rather than on strategy or logic since one cannot progress without successful control of the bubble. After trying 4 more levels (all are available at once) & having the same problem, I quit the game. Other users may have better luck. TO DEV: The game is quite good & the bubble is clever. However, while some user effort to control the bubble is challenging & fun, there are limits. For me, what started as a fabulous problem-solving game became simply one of controlling the bubble. While this might not be an issue for some, seems to me your users might increase were the bubble easier to control; maybe not. I don't know the answers, but the questions are: (1) What's to be the user's goal/focus: Solving the bubble problem, or solving the level as a whole? (2) Which market is larger?
Review by Remoh Cuz on Archibald's Adventures Lite.

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Awesome Game

not very good
Hola hi hello conichiwa

Good game