In depth review – Butler Until Midnight Review

I will try to be as honest as possible to help those who are curious about the app. My favorite butlers were Yuma and Kyo, so this review may be biased a bit. ;) Though it says it's free, Voltage naturally requires you to pay to experience full stories. Understand this is probably to cover the costs of making the product. It can get a bit expensive, but it's cheaper than other otome games I've played, so I personally didn't see it as an extreme negative factor. It can start racking up if you want to play all the characters' routes. I enjoyed Yuma's and Kyo's and spent around $50 buying all their parts. If you restrain yourself (and that's hard to do, heehee) you can get away with maybe $5-10 per butler, but to get the full experience, it's basically $25. Now that you understand the price, let's move on to the actually interesting part: the gameplay. I won't spoil anything, so don't freak out. The way I see it, game is split into 3 sections: main plot, sequels, and specials. The main plot of each season consists of 2 endings that result from your decisions throughout the game. If you only purchase it, then you can play the game fairly cheaply, but, in my case, I fell head over heels for Yuma and Kyo and ended up wanting more. This is where the sequels come in. Where as there is only one main plot to purchase in each season, there are two, 3 episode sequels in each season, which you have to purchase separately. Each has a set ending and no decision making. The fact that you have to buy them separately is kinda ridiculous in my opinion and is a major form of money-making on Voltage's part. In fact, if Voltage were to combine them into one sequel with a single, more reasonable price tag, I would give this review 5 stars easy. The way I see it, with the main plot being about the same cost as both sequels combined, Voltage should lower the cost of the sequels, because you aren't even getting the ability to change your ending in them. I guess what makes up for it is that they're practically fan service in which your butler will do things with you that you couldn't even imagine happening in the main plot. It can be super adorable and extremely satisfying. Finally, there are the specials. These consist of a wide range of extra things Voltage throws in that you can purchase to try and quell your need for your butler. ;) I'm actually not joking; there's basically no development, unlike the sequels, which do have connections with the main plot at times. Some extras are 1 chapter, voice acted portions that have the purpose of showing how your butler talks; others consist of a 5 chapter story that has no connection to the main plot (at least what I remember). The advantage of these is that you get to see your butler in different scenarios, such as taking you out on a regular date. You also get to learn things about him that you don't in the main plot, which is nice. I'm not going to spoil anything. So, those were the main parts of the game. There are other little things that if you dig around the menus you can discover, but I'll leave those for you to find. ;) Next, I'll be talking about more review-y things. Ratings: Plot: 8 Characters: 10 Art: 9.5 Main Character (you): 9 Price: 8 Overall Enjoyment: 9.5 In-depth Explanation: The plot can get a little redundant, but it will always take you somewhere different in the end. That's why I had to dock a couple points. Otherwise, Yuma's conversations with the main character were what got me hooked into this game... So honestly, I'd be giving it a 10 if I add my bias. ;) Characters are brilliantly crafted. You are given 5 to choose from, and they fit all likes. At first I wasn't sure about the difference between Kyo and Tomoki, but once I played through their first chapters of the main plot (they're free) I understood. The art is absolutely astonishing. The home page is beautiful, and when you touch it, there are sparkles. >\\\\< The character designs are amazing compared to some other otome games out there (in my opinion) and I drink in their faces every time I replay stories. The main character is pretty good for an otome game. Sometimes she can be really typical, but she has life to her, and I find myself finding qualities in her that resemble me. It's easy to associate yourself as her, which is the main purpose she holds, so I give her a high rating. ?? Overall, it was extremely enjoyable. I can honestly say I loved it, and still do. I await Yuma's season three! Please don't disappoint, Voltage!! >~< I've read every butler's first season main plot except Aoi's, and, though it may be biased, I'll rank them based on how interesting the plot was: Yuma, Kyo, Itsuki, Tomoki. Yuma's pacing felt very natural. Kyo's was the most realistic. Itsuki's was extremely unique compared to the others'. And Tomoki's... Well I was kinda confused at the end because it didn't feel like he fell for you even though he said he did... It just felt forced. But that's just me. Yuma's and Kyo's were the best for most believable mutual love, in my opinion. (Which is probably why I like their stories the most.) However, Itsuki's took a surprising turn right off the bat, so if you're willing to spend some money, I'd look into him as well. I haven't read Aoi yet, so I'm sorry I've got no advice on him. Final Tips: In my opinion, I'd play through the first chapter of each character before deciding which to purchase. Yuma's is pretty misleading, so I'm glad I bought it just because I liked his art. Haha! There are some sexual innuendos throughout the game, so watch for those. If you are extremely uncomfortable with them, this isn't for you. However, it's not like the game relies on them, so if you don't like them, they won't hold your experience back much. I personally found them very hilarious. (There are more of them in Yuma's storyline than the other butlers, so be warned.) All in all... This is just a review done by someone who loves the game. It's your decision! ^_^
Review by Kyky Elric on Butler Until Midnight.

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