It's about time ... – Gratitude Journal ~ the original! Review

It's about time someone came up with a better way to say "fake it till you make it". The truth is we just have to ask ourselves simple questions like... how do you happy people act? Of course the answer is they act happy so we have to act happy to be happy Seems so incredibly profound and simple and yet so preposterous an improbable. However; I challenge each and everyone of you that is reading this (yes I know I'm too wordy Thank you-lol) I challenge you all to give it a shot. Invest in your own life and peace of mind. Even on the worst of days you can find something for which to be grateful. I mean did you wake up this morning? some people didn't. Or, were you able to swing your legs over the side of the bed and Let them dangle down to the floor and wiggle your toes? some people didn't. some people simply can't for whatever reason. So, remember life is a journey not a destination and the only thing that never changes is change and most of all that happy is a choice and the people around you deserve happy almost as much as you do!
Review by barryscot or ScareBear on Gratitude Journal ~ the original!.

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