Don't Buy- It's a Scam – Dream Interpreter, what secrets hide your dreams? Review

I usually browse around iDream for fun after interesting dreams (I recommend that app instead of this one). Deciding to try something new, I downloaded this crap. You're asked a series of vague questions with picture guides- much like a children's guide to express to a doctor how they're feeling. Once you pick something, you're not allowed to go back and change your answer. You can't go forward to see following questions, either. At the end of the short questionnaire, it says it's loading your result. While it was loading, a request for my App Store password pops up. Thinking nothing of it since I was downloading other apps, I enter it. Shortly, I'm asked if I'm sure that I wanted to purchase something that didn't relate to the app which costed $2.99. Thought nothing of it and disregarded it as a random glitch. Denied the purchase request and went back to waiting for my interpretation to load. Then it came up again. And again. And again. And again. And again. The app never loaded, but it did manage to waste my time and attempt to get money out of me for some other project they're running. Crooks.
Review by Kawatatcha!! on Dream Interpreter, what secrets hide your dreams?.

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