In depth honest review. – DrawCast - draw, chat, paint, sketch, collaborate and share art, drawings and photos with friends Review

Okay so I'm here to discuss/review/inform 1:myself 2:other reviews 3:app quality 4:app performance 5:General 6:summary MYSELF this will be short so you can get into the review. I'm 15, I've been on drawcast approximately 4 years so It's safe to say I have a fair amount of experience/ know how about this app. OTHER REVIEWS. So, reading the reviews you are probably going to see a lot of people whining about getting banned and that because of that, the app is terrible. You can basically ignore all of these. Reason being is that the moderator staff and developers have been more then fair with the way they handle this app. For example, at the very beginning of this app when you first open it, you are presented with a fair, reasonable, and understandable list of rules and guidelines for an all ages app. Which basically are as follows. No profanity No adult/mature pictures, photos, role play ect. No bullying other users. No causing drama (always seem to forget this one) Respectful to staff. Have fun. So, if all of these rules are followed you will NOT be banned and or temporarily disabled account. So anyone who's complaining about "unfair ban terrible app!" Or "I was banned for no reason!" Has little to no backing to this claim. APP QUALITY. Drawcast has a variety of tools and features to assist in drawing. This includes multi sized lines, multiple layers, blur, color mix, soft brush and hard brush, transformations and more. The app will save your art progress every few minuets and will automatically create a backup, so you don't need to worry so much if your device shuts off for one reason or another. The interface is fairly simple and easy to pick up making it great for beginners for the most part. APP PERFORMANCE. As for performance I would haft to say this is drawcast's worst aspect. The app does glitch out both in the drawing interface and the social interface fairly often. Also the replay on others art is quite often obscured or very deformed from what actually took place. However the app IS getting better I would say and Daniel Cota (app creator) is very open to the community and fixing what they point out. GENERAL In general I think this is a great app for beginner and mediocre artists who are looking for a bit of a social experience along with a decent drawing interface. But you will need to keep in mind the fairly common bugs and errors that will come with this app. Also I think for the most part the drawcast community is a very friendly environment. But with that said it does have a fair share of drama and teenage bickering (you can get a small taste of such in the one star reviews on this app?) SUMMARY Good app for sure. Is there drama? Yes. Is there a fairly nice and positive community? Yes. Does the interface have most needed tools for mid level - mediocre art? Yes. This app is a good experience overall that I would recommend, IF you are willing to deal with its fair share of bugs and community drama. With that said / the assumption that you get this app, WELCOME TO DRAWCAST AND ENJOY YOUR STAY! Username -JeriahLovesYou
Review by Sidle suspect on DrawCast - draw, chat, paint, sketch, collaborate and share art, drawings and photos with friends.

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