MIDI Solutions – Midiflow Review

This app is like an Audiobus for MIDI. You can control multiple apps, send MIDI from one source to multiple sources, filter out MIDI messages, and more. The IAPs are well worth looking into if you want even more control of MIDI setups. It's very convenient to save your setups in Midiflow for later use. You can even create virtual MIDI ports so you can get around pretty much all of the inconsistencies in MIDI app implementations. If for example you want to control hardware with multiple MIDI channels via Patterning you'd have to setup each MIDI note on each channel and do a save as to recall them. Repeat this if you want to do this with a different Patterning file, hardware, or app. If instead you have the output going to a virtual Midiflow port, you can create setups for hardware/apps/software in Midiflow and save them so they'll work with multiple apps and the MIDI patterns or songs you create with them rather than having to do so in each app.
Review by polarpaul on Midiflow.

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