FINALLY REACHED MILLION MARK SCORE!! ?? whoo-hoo! – Addictive Tripeak Review

On March 11th I got my highest score yet: ⭐️⭐️1,088, 670⭐️⭐️ I'm SO jacked!! ? (I've tried pasting in my scores but that's not working - SO frustrating!) --------------------------------------------------------- I ♥️LOVE♥️ this game, it's definitely addicting. ? LOL...... (I've reached this score in ProMode - but the only leaderboard I've found is for the Normal mode on Game Center - (10 levels v 30) and the only score shown under my name is an old 2014 normal mode score and isn't updated- How do I fix this?? ??) ☑️ The following TIPS have been KEY ? to increasing my score over time: 1) Using the *PAUSE button* on the top as often as needed to stop the clock and strategize. I always pause first to assess the cards and to plan my moves to knock out as many at a time as possible. I pause at least 2-3 times each level. 2) ?Aim for PRO mode. Play as many normal games as possible until you unlock the Perks. Try and reach 200 points BEFORE using any of the perks, because then you will hopefully continue to increase points. Whenever my points are low, I'll play without Perks until I have earned 200+ points. 3) ?PERKS: There are TWO important Perks I always use: They're located under Perks: the last two on the right side: the power builders: one increases each blue highlighted card and the other increases the chain. They are a must because together they quickly increase overall points. There is a third Perk I sometimes use (but only when I had a lot of extra points to spare) when I was trying to reach Pro Mode, because it helps you reach the next level up faster. It's located on the Home ??screen, on the right in the gold frame "EXP x2". I found it doesn't always increase points though. ((The only other Perks I'd occasionally use in the beginning were the (?) and (K) cards, but I found that I'd earn enough through the Memory games (a chance to earn free cards every 4th game). Using these cards strategically is also important.)) 4) IMPORTANT CARDS: (?) card is used when you require a new card. The (K) deals you a "new hand"on the same level you're currently playing. How you'd use each depends on what you need first, and then when you've acquired enough, it's about where you're at in the game. As a rule, if I find I'll have to use more than two/three (?) cards - I'll use the (K) instead and start over. ⚽️GOAL: In Pro Mode, I try and save as many (?) cards as possible, so I can use them sometime after level 20, when I know I can "afford it". ? If you are past level 23/24, and you're not "killing it" then use the (K) cards and get a new hand if you can spare them. My aim in every game is to reach the place where I'm "killing it" ?, ??.....with a long string of sequential cards in a row...hearing that unmistakable ?? "pinging tone" that eventually goes silent when you've gone well past eight/nine cards in a row.....that's the best part for me. ?? EARNING EXTRA POINTS: ☑️ So when you're on that winning streak (you'll hear the ?tone) and you have run out of cards and will have to draw a new one, which, depending on how many you've clicked on in a row (I'm going to start counting the exact number of cards to see how many it takes to reach that point) you may end that streak/tone ?and the tone will return to normal.....instead...... you can use the (?) cards and it will continue the streak and you'll see the chain (on left, the higher the chain, the higher the points) get higher, till it reaches the top and stays there. I'll usually only use them that way when I've reached the 20th+ levels, and/or have a lot of extra, and after I've utilized most of my (K) cards. If I'm on level 29/30 and have any extra cards, I'll keep using (K) and continue to play a new hand until I've "killed it" using the (?) at the same time. I'd been stuck in the 700k range until I started using these tips. Hopes this helps!! ?? Have Fun!! ♥️ Princess Leah in S.F. ??
Review by MissLCinSF on Addictive Tripeak.

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