Really great game – Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Review

Im a Dark Angels fan boy, and even I can get behind the Wolves with this game To make a long review short. Im using a rating system of my own. 1=Lowest / 10=Highest Gameplay: 9/10, very smooth, doesnt skip or stutter. Story: 7/10 jumped to 9/10 for the end reveal Card system: 8/10 Variation in cards to the 3 armor system: 8/10 Music: 10/10 Online multi: 7/10 but they're adding to it, so its getting better. Additional free content: 5/10-go to their Facebook and check it periodically, they put out codes for powerful Legendary cards. Best part, you can drop out of the game any time anywhere and when you come back it will be right where you left it. Worst part, its an online all the time type of game, so your SoL if your device is cut off or you're in a bad signal area. Hope you enjoy it, peace.
Review by NovaPrime1985 on Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf.

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