charming and addictive – Raising Ojipockle Review

2/19/2016 update: great app and now in English as promised! Thanks so much. Original review: App doesn't support English yet as description advertises, but the game is a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the developer's other game, Finding Ojipockle, this is a much richer experience worth your time. A virtual pet in the form of a little fairy that lives in a cardboard box on a table - starts as a baby and grows to be a salaryman type dude - and you upgrade and decorate his room by playing mini-games and searching the virtual apartment that the table is in for play currency. Weird, bright, cute. It's a shame so many reviewers are holding their review hostage to an English translation, because I'm happy the developers have released this in the US App Store *at all*. Most quirky Japanese games with depth deeper than Neko Atsume (ねこあつめ) tend never to see the light of day here. The fact that the developers have translated their other app (Finding Ojipockle) into English bodes well for this one, but as it's a much more complex game, hopefully they think it's worth their time to translate this one too. A crude and time consuming workaround for now is to take screenshots and use Google Translate's app when it feels needed. A hassle, I know, but it's totally possible to play this without knowing Japanese. I'd recommend playing Finding Ojipockle first just to get a feel for the world and play style (camera, movement control). If you dig that, you'll dig this even more. Fingers crossed for an English translation as the game is a lot of fun and deserving of a larger audience!
Review by BensonAlreadyTaken on Raising Ojipockle.

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