Worth $8 – LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Review

First, just to start off this conversation, I think this game is worth $8. It has great graphics and the levels are long enough to keep you busy for a while. It also has many characters, power ups, and tricks. In addition to that, you can play without wifi or any internet connection. The controls are great and easy to use. I used the touch version at first but then I switched to the more buttons option. Even with the more buttons you can still touch and hold things to move them if you're close enough to them. I think that moving the character around with the pad is the best way to play, so for those of you who say you wish you could tap somewhere and have your character go there, I disagree with you. I'd say this game is worth $12, but there are so few levels for each year. All the levels in the game can be beat within 6 hours about. I've already completed over 1/3 of the game by just beating all the levels. Also, they leave out some parts that would seem very fun, such as the broomstick chase in year 7, or breaking into umbridges office in year 5. Finally, some of the levels are ridiculously easy, while some of them are really hard. I think that for all the levels they should have a extra hint button where it tells you what to do. For 2 levels I had to look up how to get past them online, and that wasn't easy since some of the levels on the iPhone are different from the levels on the wii, Xbox, or PlayStation. Most of the time I looked up iPhone and got the Nintendo version which is almost the same. In year 5, in the weaslies escape level, I couldn't figure out how to get past it until I looked up how to beat it and saw that someone had said that their "pets" are the decoy detonators. When I tried that (I had to figure out how to explode them; you tap on the screen) I beat the rest of the level easily except for the part where you have to shoot down the rockets. I didn't realize that until I saw that the same person had written how to get past there. I have NEVER had any problems with the app kicking me out or breaking down, even when I have a bunch of apps open. Anyway, this game is definitely worth the money. P.S. If you liked this game, I recommend Lego Star Wars. It is by the same company but it takes much longer to beat. It also doesn't leave anything out. It has 36 levels, 6 extra levels, 20 bounty hunter missions, and I think over 200 characters. Read my full review there. It is number 2 on current version. It also has taken me about 25 and 1/2 hours to beat 62%??. I recommend it.
Review by Maret333 on LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.

All LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Reviews

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