Good Start :) – All My FoodFacts Review

The functions and content seem great, except for the fact that every time I log on, it requests for my Apple ID password. Seems sketchy. I have a few update suggestions: 1) Better gfx. Things don't transition that smoothly, and everything seems a bit messy. A change in appearance would seem nice. Instead of the locked buttons, why not just put one button that says "Premium" where it offers all the premium things, instead of cluttering the side bar? Everything would seem better with either a minimalistic/simple design. 2) A forum where people can chat, share ideas, help each other, etc. A community always keeps apps running long and hard. 3) Add a button where it suggests foods, recipes, meals, snacks, etc. to eat that doesn't have the person's allergies, intolerances, and avoidance foods. It would make things easier and fun. 4) Add more options on the weight drop-down-menu of the profile. When I created my profile, there was a problem where the minimum weight is 100. I'm 85 pounds... 5) Fitting for new iPhones and ios's. I have the iPhone6, and the screen doesn't all too well since there are the green boxes extra space at the bottom.
Review by Hello_My_Name_Is____ on All My FoodFacts.

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