Mom has used Comodo for years! – Ad Blocker Comodo Review

It's totally AWESOME! Please help support their company. We need good security when no one else cares. If you have any files you wish to keep hackers away from, COMODO always did the job when others didn't. Everything has been opened up for all eyes to see. I personally don't wish to loose my stuff I purchased. If I write a book, I don't want some thief to publish it before I get the chance to. COMODO browsers on our family PC's gave us confidence. I wish we could turn back time when we felt more secure. The PC is going out and these new itty bitty cells are taking over. The camera's and voice are on 24-7. So unless you cover them up with tape and turn the volume off who knows where they send it. And all because they think everyone could be a terrorist. I feel sorry for all the Business owners who search for better security. COMODO, I hope you can stick around a while longer. It's so sad to see a Great company go under for lack of use. If you haven't noticed, Merchants are dropping like flies all over the globe.
Review by Dclatias on Ad Blocker Comodo.

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