Fun if you spend $5 – Tekken Card Tournament - Play & Collect Your deck then fight players in online battles games (CCG) Review

At its core TCT is a very fun game. It takes the concept of rock-paper scissors or Jan-ken-pon as it is known in Japan and makes it into a card game. This simplicity lends itself to surprisingly deep gameplay as the player becomes better. The problem is, that like all collectible trading card games a large part of being successful is having the best cards. Going into PvP mode will make this painfully clear. In order to get better cards a player must spend gold or credits which can be earned in small increments in PvP matches or in larger increments by participating in the league system. The best way for beginners to earn these rewards is through the solo campaign mode. However due to the small gold rewards, it is extremely difficult to build up a deck effective enough to clear campaign mode. Only players who have either great insight or at least a semi competitive background in mtg, ygo or the like will be able to clear the mode normally. To this end there is an in-game purchase that is available in the gold store which allows players to double their gold rewards. It is $5 U.S. And it makes the game a lot easier. It is the only cash person that is actually needed to enjoy the game. Without it, everything takes twice as long. The best way to do it is make the purchase as soon as the tutorial is over. Without the doubler it will be very hard to clear campaign mode, and even harder to win in PvP. The current version of the game gives the player Panda as a default character. Panda, Nina, Law, Lili, and Kazuya are all fair choices for beginners. Heihachi, Hwoa, Paul, and Asuka are geared towards intermediate players, while Yoshi, Jin and Xiaoyu are for experts. It is best to focus on acquiring cards for just one character throughout campaign mode. Otherwise a player will not have enough cards to make a solid deck. Getting the doubler and splitting the rewards between two characters will result in lots of weak cards for two characters instead of strong cards for one character. In this game weaker cards can be permanently fused into stronger cards, so the more cards a player has the better their chances are of making stronger cards. The graphics are on par with the PSP version of a Tekken 6. The Tekken series has always had great music and TCT is no exception. The current interface is prettier than the old one but about the same when it comes to user friendliness. The problem with this game is that the Asuka patch is very glitchy. Sometimes players will not get bonus rewards for watching videos Due to server problems. In the previous version they were very good about amending those issues. This version they do nothing which is greedy because they get ad revenue from those videos. Speaking of greed Asuka premium packs are triple price which is way too high. They claim these are launch prices but it's been over four weeks, so the launch period should have ended. Depending on the software used the game can get stuck loading, cut off, and the character models will glitch. These glitches will be fixed in the near future. I rate this game four stars on account of the glitches, and the overpriced Asuka boosters. The game is extremely fun for anyone into trading card games and. Would easily get a five star rating from me if these issues are addressed. I expect they will be soon.
Review by Mr. Memphis on Tekken Card Tournament - Play & Collect Your deck then fight players in online battles games (CCG).

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