Keeps me organized – FitnessBuilder Review

Over the top on the options. Building workouts is as fast to do as my brain will kick it out. When a client asks how much weight did I use on the last time or what's the heaviest I ever went on this? I am pulling up years worth of easy to read data in less than a minute. That's fast! No guess work, I got the facts, all saved in fitness builder. Clients know exactly what to do and on what day and I know exactly when they compete it, so I can correspond to them immediately. It doesn't get any better. I don't know who loves it more, me or my clients. Fitness builder had Great updates and always unbelievably fast on responses. If you haven't tried it, your missing out. Fast and understanding with a crisp professional style. Works Great!!
Review by Personal Trainer Inc on FitnessBuilder.

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