Previous Update turned the game from fun into frustrating. – Tower Dash Review

Update: the increased difficulty has grown on me a little. It's a different game now. It used to be a game where I'd zone out peacefully spidermanning up hundreds of levels, like meditation. Now, it's frustrating, but the challenge is sometimes interesting. It's in short bursts, though, because one can only take so many minutes of banging your head against a wall. So I play less. There's got to be a happy medium. Maybe two game modes? Maybe spread out the increasing difficulty? In any case, multiplayer is pointless right now, except with friends, because anyone who didn't install the update last time around is still playing the easy version, and thus can get to 300 levels as easily as you can get to 50.
Review by Dukerton on Tower Dash.

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Fun but challenging
Cookcoo monkey heymakathooey