Amazing, but could be better. – Levels! Review

The game is a great concept, and I love the random spike and level generations along with the increasing speed of the player that makes this game challenging. I am a coder myself, so I understand the time and effort that went into this and I love how the final product turned out. However, I would like to make some suggestions for future updates. 1: Add a pause button and pause menu. This is an important thing to have in a game, especially an infinite one like this, so the player can stop and continue instead of restarting. 2: More characters! The game would be great if there were more characters that could be unlocked (suggestion: Paris). 3: Quieter sound effects. No offense, but it's just...too loud. Finally: Smoother animation would make it great and rated higher, so more people will play it. Otherwise, I think it's a spectacular game that lots should know about, especially if your a fan of Meghan McCarthy and the team, like me! Keep up the good work Joey! (P.S: Follow me on Twitter @SwordInTheCode. Thanks!)
Review by SwordInTheCode on Levels!.

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