It's great, but with a few flaws – FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE) Review

This port is amazing. The controls are great, all the extras from the DS port are there, graphics are great, and the frame rate never drops. There is a couple minor flaws though. They aren't too noticeable but differently stick out like a sore thumb once you notice them. The first one is when you leave the game to go to another app and then back to the game, it will sometimes restart or freeze on you. This only happens (that I've noticed) when you're in a battle, or not in the pause menu. The second is with names. When you go to the iCloud save the names of characters are wrong. The worst one I've seen is Edward (for some odd reason) is called Gilbert. Other then those 2 things this game is totally worth it and if those two things get fixed I'll b changing to 5 stars
Review by Mr_bucket77 on FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE).


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