This app is so awesome – bleep!BOX Review

Words can't do it justice. I have so many paid apps (876 as of yesterday) that I hesitated at first for $10. However,I was sold instantly by the free version "bleep!box player" but was out of iTunes bucks! If you can't afford the tenner-- get the free one it is very generously full featured-- just no save. When it drives you nuts because you can't save masterpiece you'll make the drive, buy some iTunes $$ and lay down. I'm using a new amazing turntablist app called flair - combined with this app making the beats: I have a party in my pocket! If we could just get all music devs and apple together so we could have export direct to iTunes and shared samples dirs we'd be all set. ONE big question though (after checking both touch and iPhone/reboot/etc) is this app missing the handy "song" menu that player version has? I miss it instanly-- pulling up the seq's on the fly from a big grid of butons is where it's at for me.
Review by Vdrumpro999 on bleep!BOX.

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