Fun game - bug fixes needed! – Vault! Review

Having a lot of fun playing, there's a few bugs and suggestions I think could really improve this games experience. 1. When you watch an ad/pay to continue - upon restart my pole normally is invisible or in pieces. 2. When you watch an ad/pay to continue - upon restart I often respawn on a ledge or area where there's no chance to vault to the next platform. 3. Often times on the obstacle where there's a blue jump onto another blue jump higher up - if you land to the right side of the second blue jump you die. 4. (Suggestion) offer different color options for your vault pole. When my brightness is reduced its hard to see it against the dark background 5. You shouldn't die if while in mid-air your head hits the bottom of the green hoop. 6. (Joke) how the heck do I survive the 3 double-red zappers in a row! Haha Enjoying the game otherwise:) hope these help!
Review by RayHughes on Vault!.

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