Sink or swim in this Zelda like game. – Ys Chronicles 1 Review

Immersion: combat, there is a story but the gist of it is bad thing happened, go kill monsters. The game has several musical options, but action related sounds are slim. Combat is where immersion comes from. The player runs into the monster to deal damage, the angle at which player and monster meet determines damage dealt and taken. monster death animations are fitting, and damage reactions work equally. 7/15 Difficulty:difficulty is created by monster speed, slower monsters are easier to get around the defenses of than faster. Additionally, the game will at times disable your regenerating health, without warning. difficulty is ad just able, with no explanation of what the options adjust though. Players should spend some time in the options menu, as options here can impact difficulty.6/15 Lasting appeal: difficult to say, but it is a game worth keeping on the iOS device for the occasional bout,.Playing until story end, or returning afterward, not likely. 6/15 Overall: the game is either by design or accident in the camp of "sink or swim games," that c toss the player into the game world without much explanation. the lack of explanation of menu options, and a expectation that the player will explore menus and grind , is a slight against it, what does chronicles mode add that original mode does not have? know that before you make the purchase, and expect challenge and the player is in for a classic legend of Zelda like experience . 6/15
Review by CAP198462 on Ys Chronicles 1.

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