Greedy – Decked Builder HD Review

Love the app and functionality however, why on earth would I want to buy this iPad app without the card cam or the collections add-on? $5.99 for the app, $4.99 for the camera and $3.99 for the collections add-on... That's about $15 for the full app... Not to mention that I now must still spend more money if I want the app on my phone plus both of those upgrades too? And the same goes for my computer... So total for 1 computer and 2 devices is about $50+...? These are all tools that any patron of magic will use and considering that it's a collection game, it is really sad that this company wants to exploit their customers. So for that price, I would expect full functionality but, the collections add-on does not have the ability to edit which release the card you have is printed from. The app auto assumes the most recent prints. As a collector, I would really like to be able to edit the release because I have really old cards and would like to have an accurate count of my cards including which release it came from. Please fix the editing issue and I will revisit my review.
Review by atlbrafal on Decked Builder HD.

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