If you like depth and features... – SunVox Review

Still love this app. Unmatched flexibility. Still not completely comfortable on the interface, but this app takes up so little space that it allows me to load more samples into it. Worth it. I might still buy Nanostudio2, but the more I learn this app, the more I think I may not. 5+ stars. PS: learn to use the Sampler module. You'll be glad you did. Update: Alexander Zolotov is the most consistently decent developer on the app store. He keeps updating Sun Vox! How many debs have simply abandoned their apps to make new apps so that they can charge the public for it a second time? Many, and they know who they are. Not so with Zolotov. Buy this app. Support this dev. He's a guy doing what he loves; he's good at it; he should get paid. Yeah. This is the app you want. I have had it for such a long time and I was intimidated by its interface. I was missing a lot and I spent too much money on apps that basically do what this app does. This means that I'm an idiot. This app has a sampler, a pad generator, a basic generator, drum synth, fm generator, and on an on. It's audiobus compatible. It's got audio copy/paste. It's got midi compatibility. It's got so many other things, as well, that I am not going to bother to list here because they're listed in the app description. I also own Nanostudio. Nanostudio is a great, great app, but I would say that Sun Vox does just as much and even more than Nanostudio. The big advantage of Nanostudio is the interface, which is easier. But Sun Vox costs way less! And the interface is actually very learnable. Once you learn it, it's even lovable. If you're on the fence about this app, go ahead and buy it before you spend a lot of money on some other studio app. Take the time to learn it and it will pay off. Alexander Zolotov makes some of the greatest apps for the money that you can find in the App Store.
Review by Solomon of Kleptolia on SunVox.

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