Great! – A Free Guide For Skyrim Review

I honestly love this app, everything is perfect! The leveling guide is better than Ramen Noodles, I love Ramen Noodles! There is an extremely minor thing though, the sneak guide. In the sneaking guide it says to attack the Greybeard, that is a dangerous way to do it, I just do it at Helgan, in the keep. When you can choose to go with either Ralof or Hadvar, choose Ralof, and do the following: -Get the dead man's gear -Watch Ralof run around the room looking for an exit -Kill the Imperials Quickly search the Imperial Captain's body (If you don't get to it before Ralof does, Ralof will get her key.) -Get her key -Ralof will tell you that you need to use the key to open the door, do NOT open the door! -Ralof will jog over to the door, follow him and crouch -Start attacking him while sneaking, it WILL take a while to level it up fully
Review by Alervn on A Free Guide For Skyrim.

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