One of My Favorites – Acrostic Crossword Puzzles Review

This is one of my favorite games. It is well designed and the puzzles are well done. I have to admit that sometimes I have to search for answers, but then I discovered a lot of interesting information that way. For example, I really did not know who Salmon P Chase was until His name was an answer to one of the clues. Of course, I then had to look up more and read about him. These acrostics often set me off on a new trail of discovery about people and places. There is one minor irritation, which is you cannot look back at the puzzles you've solved and look at the answers to the clues. You can go back to the page that shows the completed quote and your time, but you can't see the actual grid with the answers to the clues. A few times I have completed the quote by filling in logical words in the text and was taken to this final screen, which left me wondering about the answer to a clue I had not solved.
Review by Unfeigned on Acrostic Crossword Puzzles.

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