Shameless Rip-Off – Trolls vs Vikings Review

I'm generally not one to call "Rip-off" on a game that has similarities to another game. I understand that all good games build off games that came before them, and that a great game with enough originality can come to define a new genre in the way that Plants vs Zombies represents lane defense. That said, it's unbelievable how much this game copies directly from Plants vs Zombies. The sunflowers become miners, peashooters become brats with slingshots, potato mines become zombie looking guys that wag their butts at you as they dig into the ground. Almost every little detail is copied, down to the resource collection and units crowded around outside. The few differences between this and Plants vs Zombies are subtle ones. I do like that the "Buster" unit can move around, but since we're making trolls, not plants, we should be able to move all of the units. The only reason we can't is because Plants vs Zombies didn't let you move the plants, and this game is copying as much as they can from Plants vs Zombies. As for the gameplay, it starts out feeling pretty slow, to the point that if i want more Lane Defense I'd rather just play some more Plants vs Zombies than to wait for this game to speed up. It would be nice to have a button to fast forward the level for when we're comfortable enough with our defenses to move on to a more difficult challenge.
Review by DifferentName on Trolls vs Vikings.

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