Update: unprofessional ::: Redesign is smooth / intuitive, but sketchy privacy – Inboxcube Mail Catalog Review

Update down two stars. Forcing you to share the app on your Facebook or Twitter in order to change your signature from their self-promoting signature is wildly unprofessional and not cool. Instant delete of app. Had great potential. No other email client does this. Combined with sketchy privacy policy and I wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole. -------- Fantastic job on the redesign. The UI and functionality is perfect. Love the one gesture functions and even read/unread from list view. After much searching, and buying/using every email app in the store, this would take the cake, but I need two things. 1) Passcode entry option. 2) The privacy policy. It implies in vague terms that they keep email/personal info for whatever they deem necessary, even after you delete your acct, unless you go through a written process. Say what? Just delete all my info like CloudMagic and Accompli assures they will do immediately. And they do not need to store credentials with gmail. Privacy policy is pretty loose in terms of what they can do with your info. I am not confident to hand over my top email keys to them.
Review by CTechno on Inboxcube Mail Catalog.

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