Not happy! – Best Storytime: 30 Stories Review

I'm glad to see some of the concerns about inappropriate content have been addressed (namely the "K song") but there is still a lot of content that I feel is inappropriate for young children and until every thing else is edited/tweaked or I have the ability to delete certain songs/stories I will not be happy! What I would love to see implemented (I would update my rating to 5*) is a feature in which parents can disable/ delete specific songs or stories! Here are the specific stories I have issues with: Jack and the Beanstalk: Jack steals from the "ugly giant", then hacks the beanstalk as the giant starts climbing down it to reclaim his stuff. The giant cries for help "save me!", falls to his death (yes the word "die" is used) and the (stolen) harp always plays a beautiful song! (This story will basically teach your child that it is ok to steal from and murder a giant because "he was ugly") Suggested changes: The harp belonged to jack's father in the first place and therefore Jack is taking back what is rightfully his. The giant is mean (rather than ugly). The giant falls down and bumps his head and runs away (rather than die) The 7 little sheep: In this story a wolf eats 6 little sheep (the 7th one is good at hiding) the mommy sheep finds the wolf, cuts open his tummy, fills it with rocks and throws him down a well to drown! (A little graphic don't you think?) Suggested changes: the mommy goats kicks the wolf in the bottom and he coughs up the little sheep and runs away for good! The little match girl: a little girl sells matches for a living. No one buys them. She watches a family through the window as they feast on a scrumptious dinner. She starves/freezes to death on the snowy sidewalk and goes to heaven to join her grandmother. Suggested changes: the family opens the door to her and invite her to the feast. She stays with them and they raise her as their daughter! (I know that's not the original story as told by Grimm bros, but come on! Toddlers watching these stories deserve a happy ending!!) The little mermaid: she has the choice between killing the prince to get her voice back or dying herself. She chooses the second options and turns into bubbles! Suggested changes: the Disney version please!!! The goose that laid golden eggs: farmer has a goose that lays golden eggs, kills it to see if there is gold in her tummy. There isn't! Suggested changes: the farmer tries to kill the goose but she runs away. Without the goose, he becomes poor again and learns the same lesson about greediness! The happy prince: the golden statue of a prince gives its emerald eyes and gold to people in need (with help of a bird) In the end the bird dies and the villagers burn the remains of the statue. Suggested changes: the bird doesn't die and the villagers restore the statue to its original splendor. The new princess pack (all 3 stories) These stories will teach your daughter all about the importance of wearing beautiful dresses, being well-mannered and looking pretty with make-up. Seriously??? Are we in 2014? I can't believe some people are still trying to feed our daughters this sexist crap!! I want to be able to delete those stories ENTIRELY!!! And until I am able to do so, this app receives the lowest rating I can give! Some stories can be updated/tweaked to suit a younger audience, but there is nothing redeemable about the princess stories pack (princess twirly, princess pinky and charming princess story) Do not waste your money on this story pack, if you believe there is more to being a girl than wearing pretty dresses and makeup!! On the plus side, all the songs are awesome (now that a few of them have been "fixed") and the phonics pack is well worth your money! But I cannot give this app a better rating until my other issues (with the stories) have been addressed!
Review by Ssobeht on Best Storytime: 30 Stories.

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