I tried to like it, but couldn't. – Q102 WKRQ Review

I gave it a few weeks before I said anything because I love the station and the old app, but I can't use this app anymore. 1. The old app was a little buggy but worked. Then all of the sudden it stopped streaming music for some unknown reason. After some searching I found this app, and is not a good way to be introduced to a new app. 2. It plays an video advertisement every time you open it, which is very annoying. And it automatically starts playing music so I have to pause it every time as well since I just want to set my alarm.(This is not a setting you can change & there is no preferences area at all for that matter) 3. The final nail in the coffin is the alarm, since I use my phone to wake up. It isn't that great & I have to turn it on every day which is annoying because of the video ad. Also, there are a lot of features that sound cool I do not use or see many people ever using. Like the world news for example, and as far as I'm concerned it just uses up my data which I don't like. Love the station but I just can't stand the app, especially since the old app was fine and had a much better alarm setup. And Jeff and Jenn sound bites were a great addition that was lost in the new app.
Review by MajorCinamonBun on Q102 WKRQ.

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