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Download Zorbit's Math: Kindergarten Measurement

Zorbit's Math: Kindergarten Measurement

Zorbit’s Math Adventure apps actively engage students in math learning through entertaining storylines and a cast of charming space aliens. Based on rigorous educational research, the games integrate curriculum standards into gameplay and narrative to provide your students with a deep conceptual understanding of math.
Category Price Seller Device
Education Free Clockwork Fox Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

The Zorbit games are created by an experienced team of teachers, educational consultants, academics, game developers, and experts in children’s entertainment.


+Real-time student assessment aligned to all major curricula.

+Memorable characters and reward systems motivate students to practice regularly and progress through their curriculum.

+Classroom activities that supplement the apps to provide a blended learning experience.

+Maximizes teacher instructional time, and makes lesson planning easier.

For feedback and / or technical support, email us at [email protected].


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