YAS - Live Gameshow Reviews – Page 5

5/5 rating based on 50 reviews. Read all reviews for YAS - Live Gameshow for iPhone.
YAS - Live Gameshow is free iOS app published by GoMeta, Inc.



This app had potential but a few of the regulars make the chat room completely intolerable. The admins now rely on users to create content so there are no games currently scheduled. This app will also burn out your processor. Play one game and you can cook an egg on your phone. Avoid this app if you value your time and your phone.

Notification spam


Had to delete. If you download this prepare yourself for 10-20 notifications a day. When it’s raining “luck”, when you missed a game, when it’s 5 min from a game, 1 min from a game, when anyone accepts your friend request etc etc etc etc. I really liked the style of quizzes since it gets straight to the point rather than having a live host but it’s spamming to the point that it gets stressful.

Great Game!!


YAS is a fun trivia game that everyone can play. I highly recommend it!! I have been playing since May and I just won $100!! The chats are fun in between games. You will not be disappointed. I love YAS!!

Great game


I love playing yas because it challenges my mind. There are categories for everyone. Yes there are some glitches, but they admin keeps you posted and let’s you play again if multiple people have the same problem. Also, they actually pay you!

YAS went downhill and allows bullies.


I use to love YAS and the positive community. That no longer exists. The admins allow bullies to terrorize other players. Two players of which I will not name have definitely stuck out with the spread of hate and telling someone to go kill themself draws the line. There’s now favoritism when it comes to people winning which is not a welcoming experience. The app has lost a lot of players because of this. The admins are pushing other players to spread the word because I believe they are losing investors for the lack of people joining. There use to be 5pm prizes everyday but now you just get quizzes, bullying from other members and an unwelcome environment. I will be deleting this app because it has become toxic and hateful. To the other positive other players I have met on this app and most of which who have left, thank you for being welcoming and friendly.

Chances of winning are great!


This app is in its fledgling stages, which has good and bad points. The bad side: still has some kinks to work out, like points sometimes being wonky or questions and tests not being completely “professional” looking sometimes. Good side: the chances of winning are great! Not one million + people on it like other trivia apps. And it’s built a great community of actual virtual friends. Everyone’s so friendly and kind and when someone’s not, the mods are great at keeping them at bay. Once the crashes get ironed out it’ll be worth 5 stars for sure!

fun & good chance of winning!

Mia Scannell

my friends and i LOVE this game. it’s a fun game of friendly competition and the chances of winning are higher than I thought! I used to play YAS all the time but kind of lost hope and now I play here and there but just the other day I received a notification saying I won $50! It’s fun, definitely addicting, and you get rewarded for playing! So I definitely have no complaints :)

Toxic culture


TL;DR: What was once a trivia game became a social media app with a toxic and anarchistic climate. What once started as a trivia experience, with some occasional chatting, morphed into a social experience with occasional trivia. The app’s admins encouraged discussion with bonus “luck”, the points that identify your chances of winning cash prizes. Unfortunately, this changed the nature of the app. Trivia games were no longer necessary to play since the “luck” offered in chat began to greatly outweigh the benefits of testing the players’ knowledge. As people began to interact more in the chat, the admins encouraged people to “love one another” and be nice to each other. A core group of users, myself included, were all in on this concept. We would be quick to stop trolls or naysayers, encouraging them to join in our discussions or ask questions about why they acted the way they did. This only lasted for a few months though... As the admins moved away onto other projects, the attitude by the users became increasingly toxic. While this latest update game people the power to create their own chat rooms which gave the creator the power to block people or allow entrance with invites, that started to go against the concept of love and peace that the admins were promoting. The app also had drifted away from its core purpose: trivia. As people started to wonder what we were supposed to do, since less and less games were scheduled and cash prizes all but halted, the true nature of people began to shine through. Name calling, ad hominem attacks, and even full scale doxxing began to occur! The anarchy rule of the chat had gone too far and I deleted the app as a result. So, what was YAS? A social media app. It lured people in with promises of cash prizes (which was real, as I had won $1250 over the course of six months) initially based on skill and knowledge, but shifted to winning based on how long you could remain in the chat. The toxic culture that has bubbled up should be avoided at all costs. This is coming from a long time player, quiz creator, and advocate (bdjeffyp).

Great community!


This app is legit with an awesome community! UPDATE: After the “political” block party the app has died. Many negative people started to “pop up” in the (YASFAM love community). Used to be so fun and I had won 100.00. Probably one of the last few that ever won money. Thank you to all that were truly about the YASFAM love!

Poor app that should be taken down


This app lacks in substance and the interface is beyond horrible , I’ve never won anything because it’s rigged based on favoritism and not on what you know in your head . I use to try and win in the beginning but they changed the whole app and destroyed it . Users creating quizzes how incredibly lame .. the owners of the app should be the only ones making quizzes and handing your money .. skip this lame app and move on to so many better apps that you actually have a chance at to win money .. this site is loaded with spam and harassment and the concept of being a good game show has like others have stated gone out the window .. try out of tune , hangtime , joyride, etc just do your research and don’t let this app waste anymore of your time .. you deserve better!