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Word Jumble Advanced

"Word Jumbles for Advanced" for iPhone is a Word Game where you have to assemble a valid word from a set of jumbled characters. The game supports over 38,000 + words. You can unscramble 4-letters, 5-letters, 6-letters, 7-letters, 8-letters and 9-letters words. If you select 9-letters option, you will get 5 random words with minimum 4 to maximum 9 number of charaters.
Category Price Seller Device
Games $0.99 Suchismita Mondal iPhone, iPad, iPod

Playing the game is simple. Each word is shown to you in a jumbled form. Simply assemble the letters together to form the correct word. It's very easy to play. You tap the character, you want to change the position, drag & release the character inside a box, other characters will move themselves accordingly. This game has nice feature where you can get the meanings, synonyms and antonyms of the word after you check the score. Improve your child's vocabulary.

Features as below:
√ has more than 40,000 words with their meanings, synonyms and antonyms.

√ it has various level of complexities. One can choose from 4 letters to maximum 9 letter word.

√ nice user interface with drag & drop functionlaity with nice graphics.

√ one can check the score and then see the meanings of any confused words.

√ you can play any number of times.

√ it doesn't need internet connection.

√ IPAD version is with bigger sized character set, it will help to drag & drop easily.


Don't buy

This game has no instructions...the "help" dunction gives an error message..what a rip-off

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