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Who's Bigger?

Bigger is better! Cast your vote on the more significant / famous person in a head-to-head battle between two historical figures. You gain points when you are right, and lose them when you are wrong.
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How do we know the right answer? We have done a sophisticated computer analysis incorporating several factors including Wikipedia articles, news references, webpage hits, and network centrality measures. Higher levels become more challenging, involving increasingly obscure figures and battle between more closely-matched people.

Can't remember why you have heard of this guy? Click Who's That for a brief description of the person, and Read More for a link to the full Wikipedia article. We provide each person's historical fame rank at the conclusion of each battle, so you can see exactly where they fit in the world's pecking order. Simulate mode gives you the opportunity to watch battles and get the hang of how the game is played.

Significance and fame measure two different things. Albert Einstein is clearly historically significant, while a celebrity like Justin Bieber is likely more famous than he is important. Choose between your favorite measure of merit on the Settings menu.


A lot of fun for free
Dr. Atlas

Saying who has a bigger head is slightly amusing, deciding who was more influential is more fun. It is enjoyable, intellectually stimulating, and free. You ask for more?