War Planes Games: Mutant Flyers - Fun Addictive Gliding Game (Best free kids games) Icon
Download War Planes Games: Mutant Flyers - Fun Addictive Gliding Game (Best free kids games)

War Planes Games: Mutant Flyers - Fun Addictive Gliding Game (Best free kids games)

Deep in the Broken Lands, the Mutants are training their pilots to rain destruction down on the Fairy Lands. In your Design Lab, create your own creations and send them off to soar towards the lands of light, bent on mayhem. Mutant technology has come a long way in past years so there will be a myriad of upgrades and power-ups to make your plane the fiercest and fastest!
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Games Free Top Action Games, LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

Competitive Leaderboards!
Flying Mutants!
Loads of customization options!


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