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Download Tunacycle


A cartuna about life, love... and fish.
Category Price Seller Device
Games $0.99 The Frozen Machine Studios Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Help Louis and Louise get ready for their big date! Keep the fish of your choice balanced on his or her unicycle for as long as you can while collecting all the accoutrements you'll need to pitch enough woo to knock your significant fish's socks off! (Well, that is if fish wore socks...)

This is a paid version of Tunacycle that contains no ads! If you don't mind ads there is also an ad-supported version that is free to download.



I love it!! Is so fun and challenging that I can't stop playing!!! ?

Awesome Game


Polished, Fun, and Funny

This game focuses on the gravity of life during prohibition for down-and-out unicycling fish. But seriously, once you fudge with the sensitivity a bit this is a fun and addictive game that rewards you for progressing with humorous nods to a bygone era. Amazing first game by The Frozen Machine, I can't wait to see what they put out next.



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