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Tango: Finance for Couples

Tango is the couples finance app that helps you and your partner see all of your accounts and balances in one place, communicate about finances more effectively, and work together for the brightest financial future possible.
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Finance Free Onward Solutions, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

See all of your accounts & balances in one place

With Tango, you can connect all of your bank accounts and credit cards to see your complete individual and shared financial picture in one place. You can also label each account as personal or joint, so you can easily see what you and your partner have.

This is especially helpful for couples who have multiple accounts, or who keep some of their finances separate. With Tango, you can see everything at a glance, making it easy to track your spending and make informed financial decisions together.

Comment, ask questions about, and react to transactions with emojis to start a healthy conversation about your money

Tango makes it easy to communicate with your partner about your finances. You can comment on transactions, ask questions, and react with emojis to get more information. This is a lighthearted and fun way to stay on the same page about your spending and financial goals.

Talking about money can be difficult for some couples, but Tango makes it easy to start the conversation. By being able to comment on transactions and ask questions, you can learn more about your partner's financial habits and start to develop a shared financial plan.

Get on the same page when it comes to your finances

Tango will help you and your partner stay organized when it comes to your finances. We enable couples to save topics to discuss later through the app so they can have conversations about money at a time that works for both people.

This is especially helpful for couples who are busy or who have different schedules. With Tango, you can save topics to discuss later, so you don't have to rush through a financial conversation when you don't have time.
Built for modern couples

We recognize that the relationship between money and love is changing. More couples than ever before are keeping at least some of their finances separate. Whether you and your partner have all of your finances separate, some separate and some together, or everything combined - Tango helps you to see your accounts clearly.

Tango is designed for couples who want to manage their finances together, no matter how they choose to do it. With Tango, you can see all of your accounts in one place, even if they are held at different financial institutions. This makes it easy to track your spending and make sure that you are on the same page financially.

Tango is the perfect finance app for couples who want to:

- See all of their accounts and balances in one place
- Communicate about finances more effectively
- Keep track of their financial to-dos together
- Build a strong financial future together
- Download Tango today to improve the way that you and your partner manage your money!

Here are some additional tips for using Tango to improve your financial communication with your partner:

- Set financial goals together. Once you have a good understanding of your financial situation, you can start to set financial goals together. This could include saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or retiring early.
- Create a budget together. A budget is a great way to track your spending and make sure that you are on track to reach your financial goals. Tango makes it easy to create a budget and track your spending together.
- Review your finances regularly. It's important to review your finances regularly to make sure that you are on track and to make adjustments as needed. Tango makes it easy to review your transactions and balances together.

By following these tips, you can use Tango to improve your financial communication with your partner and build a stronger financial future together.


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