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Super Thumb Man

Super Thumb Man introduces you a invincible chubby, leading a brave adventure with full and undying passion to become a super thumb man.
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Games Free Wangyou Information Technology Co., Ltd. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Just follow the rhythm, release your thumb, and then try your best to help the chubby to realize the dream.

1. A newly special and creative casual game full with strong sense of rhythm. As for the particularity, nothing is better than to play it now.

2. Two types of core game playing
- Rhythm mode: Keep pace with the rhythm precisely, try your best to get more perfect but avoid any missing.
- Freestyle mode: Try to use the time as less as you can to complete a successful transformation to be a superman. Keep always faster than your friends and never ends.

3. Easy to start, and completely worthy of playing.

We developed it not for making up a new game, but all for a perfect game experience.


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