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Starlight Tactics

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Games $3.99 Escape Hatch Entertainment iPhone, iPad, iPod

One price buys full app, no in-app purchases, no advertising.

NOTE for iPod Touch (5th generation) and iPad Mini (1st Generation) Users: Please uncheck "Better Graphics" in the Options Menu - this will keep the game from crashing on lower memory devices.

One hundred years from tomorrow...World War IV has started! Will you join the United Star Force to defend Earth and its colonies from the relentless attacks of the Non-Aligned Nations? Or will you assume the role of commander in the NAN, striking at our Star System to gain dominance over the most powerful military organization in history? Do you have what it takes to command an advanced space fleet in the greatest conflict humankind has ever known? With over sixty starships with customizable weapons and defenses available to you, can you take the fight to the enemy and control the Star System?

STARLIGHT TACTICS is a full 3D turn-based tactical space combat experience.


Key Features:

Full 3D Turn-Based Tactical Combat

Ever wanted to feel like you were really in space making strategic decisions that control the life and death of your fleet? Control the heading (yaw), pitch and roll of massive starships as you stategize your next move in a fight amongst the planets and moons of our star system.

Intense Single Player USF Campaign

Play through fifty missions of an exciting and immersive single player campaign as you fight amongst beautifully rendered planets in our star system.

Freeplay Skirmish Mode

Brush up on your tactical skills as you play against the AI or a human opponent (shared mouse and screen experience).

You own your fleet

Be careful not to scratch the paint on your space fleet! Destroyers, Stealth Ships, Littoral Combat Ships, Cruisers and Carriers all persist from mission to mission in a SpaceDock where you requisition, inspect, repair, upgrade and decommission your forces.

Physics come into play

Ships are hit by weapons and go into a roll. Plasma weapons impact asteroids and send them hurling off toward enemy ships. Ships can ram each other and cause catastrophic damage.

Soundtrack by David Arkenstone

David Arkenstone, three time Grammy nominee and composer of music for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm brings his sensational talent to bear on Starlight Tactics, with musical themes to accompany every battle.

Quotes from Beta Testers:

"In terms of turn based tactics this is very unique. This is the first one of its kind to use 3 dimensions that I know of for movement and placement, and it works and functions very well. In fact this is the only true 3d strategy space game that I can think of since Homeworld movement-wise."

"The details are great, especially with the battle. Keep up the good work!"

"I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that I can ram, and/or fire upon my fellow ship(s) if I am not careful."

"The concept of the game is great."

"Saw you guys at PAX...lots of cool details and a great simulation of 3D space combat."



This game has AWESOME graphics and superb 3D dimensions. You will really feel like you're in space!


Amazing tactics game. Everyone should give this a try. The developer is behind one of the best space games of the last several years.

Lots of potential, not finished yet. Will be great after updates!
Ravaga Dragon

I've been a fan of Starlight and Escape Hatch since their Kickstarter, and I've been looking forward to this game for months. I picked it up for $4 at launch, and I'm glad that I did. Some design choices confuse me, but I see that Escape Hatch is continually updating their PC version, and I assume that those updates will come here, too. My issues: 1) I've played through the first eight missions twice, on all three difficulty levels. So a total of 24 unique missions, 48 missions overall. THE ENEMY SHIPS ONLY FLY IN FLAT, STRAIGHT LINES!!! 2) It is a huge disadvantage to bring additional ships to a battle, since each side gets an equal number of turns... Not each ship, each side... So if I only bring one ship and my opponent brings three, my one will get three turns to each one of his. I see that his is being fixed on PC, so I assume that it will be fixed soon here. 3) There are no save games, and the cash system to buy new ships is punishing. If you don't have enough credits to buy more high-level, decked-out ships when you get blown up, you're going to have to restart the campaign and grind your way up again. NOT FUN. Hopefully this will be fixed, too. The visuals are awesome, and I think there is a ton of potential here! For four bucks, pick it up! It might be unfinished now, but it will be a great game soon. Not worth $10 until it gets finished.

Fun inventive game, intuitive controls

This game is quite addicting. The mechanic used to control the movement of the ships is quite inventive and plays a vital part in properly placed shots. I can't wait until I unlock the ability to play AS the alien enemy

Fun turn-based tactics game in three dimensions!

If you like turn-based games and spaceships slugging it out, then this game is for you. The gameplay is similar to Pacific Fleet, but in full 3D. You can even play pool with asteroids on some levels, hurling them at enemy ships with well-placed shots. You earn points for completing missions at various difficulty levels and lose them for receiving damage and losing ships. Those points are used to requisition new ships, upgrade them with new equipment, and repairing them between missions. Ships earn experience and perform better. You start with weak frigates but can eventually unlock enormous carriers and battleships.

Landscape mode is fixed!

Kudos to the developer; he's very responsive to user feedback!

Great potential!

I have been waiting for a game like this. A few things I would love to see: Much better destruction graphics The turret targeting needs to improve (maybe I am missing something) would be nice if you could auto target then find adjust if desired. Also if any turrets had no possible solution the would be pulled from the selection list.

Doesn't work...may be a scam

Crashes right after the intro video. Waiting to see if the App Help responds to the issue. Will update if they fix the problem. Update: No response. SCAM! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY!!!

Fun with great potential

I really enjoy the mechanics and style of the game but having to adjust every turret for each of your ship to accurately fire on the target ship gets tedious and there’s no way to get more command points in a reasonable amount of time and effort other than going through the campaign missions perfectly as in without losing one of your ship. Rerunning previous campaign levels and winning skirmish battles only nets you a fraction of the points to even get the cheapest upgrade which is 250 points which won’t help you much in battle. You get huge bonuses of command points for each difficulty you finish a mission on but the points are used for upgrades to be able to do the next one after that and the rise in difficulty is staggering from fighting a few ships to fighting 2x to 3x the enemies with some of the enemies in a higher ship class (ie tougher). In a future update I’d like to see an easier way to target enemy ships like an auto lock-on like you have for the missiles and fighters but defaulted onto ships rather than a ship upgrade that way we can still have that control to tell every turret which ship to fire on and and raise to raise the amount of command points you can get rerunning previous levels because it’s disheartening to have to try to raise thousands of command points for upgrades with points won in the double digits every match. If your reading this I’d play the free version for now as it’s a little easier to get points there as you get quests to boost your points every now and then. I’m giving it 2 stars for now because I paid like 4-5 dollars for a game that still needs some balancing issues taken care of.

Just What I've Been Waiting For

Reminds me a lot of the classic naval combat games Atlantic and Pacific Fleet, only set in space. Controls take a little getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a lot of fun to play. Great ship customization options and a variety of weapons.

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