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Stackimals (Anipeiliaid)

Stackimals (or Anipeiliaid if you're playing in Welsh) is a fun, and sometimes frantic puzzle game for all ages.
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Games Free Pixel Knights Ltd iPad

With high-res graphics, and catchy sound, this easy to play game will keep the entire family amused.

Save the animals which fall from the sky by dragging them to the safety of the landing platforms. Save enough animals to proceed to the next level.

Plenty of puzzles, obstacles and bonus levels to keep the most hardened animal stacker occupied.


Anipeiliaid (neu Stackimals os ydych yn chwarae yn Saesneg) yw gêm s'yn llawn hwyl, a posau ar gyfer pob oedran.

Gyda graffeg hi-rez, sain fachog, mae'n gêm hawdd i'w chwarae ac difyrru'r holl deulu.

Achubwch y anifeiliaid sy'n syrthio o'r awyr gan eu lusgo i ddiogelwch y llwyfannau glanio. Achubwch digon o anifeiliaid i symud ymlaen i'r lefel nesaf.

Digon o bosau, rhwystrau a lefelau bonws i gadw pawb yn brysur am oriau.


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