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Download St Just in Roseland Organ

St Just in Roseland Organ

This is a faithful, ultra high quality reproduction of the organ in St. Just in Roseland church, Cornwall, and is fully playable using a single MIDI controller keyboard.
Category Price Seller Device
Music $6.99 Omenie Limited iPhone, iPad, iPod

All features of the real organ are reproduced. The organ may be played with one or 2 manuals, and supports a 32-note pedalboard. 22 stops, a rich selection of couplers and a tremulant on the Swell division are in place in this digital recreation.

Additionally 8 programmable pistons are provided to allow one-touch access to frequently-used registrations. A high quality reverberation engine is provided in the app, and the reverb controls, overall instrument volume, swell, crescendo and the pistons may all be controlled by an attached MIDI controller.

By exploiting Wavetable Trajectory Synthesis rather than sample replay, this app is tiny, yet manages to capture all the beauty and the subtle nuances of the organ.

Note that this app does not contain a playable on-screen keyboard, so either attached USB MIDI controllers, or another app capable of generating virtual MIDI are required to play the organ.

Privacy Statement : this app does not access any of the personal data on your device.


Beautiful sound!
Don O...

Close your eyes, play, and listen. You will be transported into a multi-layered world of sound. This pipe organ app sounds authentic and incredible. It also offers vast amounts of audio and midi customization...if you want it. Even if you don’t, it is”plug-and-play” out of the box. Well done!

Don’t miss out!

Unbelieveable and rich sound. So beautiful and immersing. Fantastic price. Excellent and prompt, friendly support. I hook up my MAudio Keystation61 to my iPhone6 via the keyboard’s midi/USB cable into my apple type powered camera adapter and then into the iphone power jack. I plugged it all in and it plays great. So simple. Go out of your iPhone headphone jack to headphones or a speaker. So many sounds to experiment with via stops/pistons/settings. Adjust the hall size and reverb to your heart’s content. And you can even use 2 keyboards and pedal board with it. Lots of ways to adjust and assign things. Don’t hesitate to get it. Same for the other Victorian Church Organ ap they make.

Good features; realism somewhat lacking

Given all the hype and praise surrounding this app online, I figured it would be hands-down the best app in terms of realism and features for the price. While the features and number of stops are certainly great, and overall the app is definitely worth the price, a good half of the stops fail the realism test. If you’re looking to use this in a church setting, as I was, where you’re replacing an obviously insufficient instrument like a MIDI keyboard with built-in “church organ” sound, the it’s an upgrade, but not to the extent that other reviews would have you believe. The same (to my knowledge) developer has a much more realistic Victorian Chapel Organ that is smaller, but fits the realism requirement much better. Sound quality for both includes some clipping at higher volumes, but a decent pre-amp that allows you to find the edge of “too loud” will serve you well there. Again, in terms of features, it’s wonderful. But it isn’t the “realistic” organ it’s sold as. It’s a decent synth at best for a good half of the stops.

I Really Wanted This To Work

After watching numerous YouTube videos I was very excited about getting this app. I am an organist at 5 different churches and my hope was that this would allow me to produce high quality "pipe organ" music consistently at each site. Another benefit would be the ability to practice at home on the same instrument that I play in the churches. I have a Casio WK7600 which has no issues running Garage Band. But this app, while it does load and run, crashes frequently produces some strange tones that pop up randomly. I have tried running the app on an older iPad as well as on my iPhone 7. The app will run on the iPhone, but with the glitches described above. I can get no sound at all from the iPad. I tried to contact the app support for help but received no response at all. Unfortunately I have no choice but to rate this app with two stars. I do this because I still have hope that I can somehow get the app to work. From what I can tell on the few occasions that I was able to get some usable sound from it, I think this would be an incredible tool for organists like myself.



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