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SSLEP Vision 20

The world has changed significantly, and so has this year’s Enterprise Partnership Conference.
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Business Free Affinity Events Ltd iPhone, iPad, iPod

There’s never been a more important time to come together alongside hundreds of
businesses, stakeholders and industry leaders to hear the SSLEP’s vision, showcase
the diverse excellence of local talent across the sectors, discuss the big ideas, current
challenges and opportunities of the future and hear from both local and national
industry leaders.

Designed to inspire and connect businesses to each other and the range of support on
offer, the conference will feature access to live keynote and Q+A sessions. Hear from
LEP and business leaders on growth and industry trends. Find out how to take
advantage of major challenges such as the transition. Learn from other businesses on
what they did to thrive during the pandemic. Find the support and funding you need to
grow. Get on board with a new way to bring investment into our area... and much

Watch live or at your leisure.


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