South Park: Phone Destroyer™ Reviews – Page 14

5/5 rating based on 642 reviews. Read all reviews for South Park: Phone Destroyer™ for iPhone.
South Park: Phone Destroyer™ is free iOS app published by Ubisoft

Not pay to win


At one point I was ranked 351 on the world leader board. I’ve never dropped a penny on this game. It’s fun and addicting. If you play a little everyday you can go far.

This is true


I love the game because it based off my favorite show but the name is true the phone has no freaking space so don’t update everyday for freaking nothing so you have to that or I will take this game seriously down to hell ????????????


Joey Drope

Fix your pvp matchmaking, I’m a level 8 going up against level 11’s losing 60 points. Yet when I win against a level 10 it only goes up 3 points. PvP system is beyond broken and obviously was created by a bunch of idiots. Also game is 100% pay to win, plan on spending entire paychecks because everything is overpriced.

Pay to Win

Mr. Slave

Basically pay to win. If it wasn’t for the fact that it’s a South Park game, I probably wouldn’t play.

Fun to play


It’s a fun free game! But PVP needs work, your rank can be 2500 and facing others with a 6000 rank (no joke). The story mode is what still has me playing!

They took our jobs???

Anonomous Truethful

Great Game. Pls stop with the arrow bait blsht!!

Not good

vanoss dantbm

It so bad

Game is hot garbage.

The Glottkin

SP has a lot of fans, but only 133k bother to review the game. Bleach has millions, DBZ has more, and yet both those games are technically inferior to SPPD. That should tell you something... Million+ fans, and maybe 1/10th of that fanbase likes the game. Story gets so tough you HAVE to spend your real money to keep up. At the stage I’m on the boss has twice as much life as me, and his auto attacks alone shred my units. Did I mention all his units are fully upgraded? Bosses should be tough, but not so badly the player can’t possibly win without taking up a second mortgage so they can upgrade all their cards. And PVP is worse, prepare to beat your head against the wall in what is nothing more than a contest to see who has played longer. Because time playing = stronger units. Again, doesn’t matter if you can outthink your opponent. Their units will tear yours apart before any plan can be executed. Oh, and these geniuses decided that your level is based on your OVERALL cards levels. So if you think it’s smart to level up cards from every theme, get ready to be disappointed. Despite events encouraging you to use their themed units, you are kicking yourself in the junk by doing it. At level 14 I got my butt handed to me by someone 3 levels weaker with his units utterly destroying mine. I made the mistake of paying them for one special deal, but I will NOT do it again. By the time you read this, I will have uninstalled this horrible excuse for a game. I have no desire to actually play this game because there’s nothing to do in it aside from PVP. That’s the other thing...there’s the story which gets stupidly difficult, and PVP...that’s it. Big budget game, and two modes. That’s it!! And they restrict you on that by limiting you to one PVP reward every four hours! Trust me, just go buy one of the console games and you will have a much better time. This game just spits in your face and expects you to thank them for it. Big fan of the show, but this game is an insult to gamers with its stupid high difficulty and lack of content despite being out for well over a year.

Used to love, but slowly getting annoyed


So I’ve been playing the game for a long time, and honestly this didn’t really bother me before until one of the most recent updates where you changed how the level system works with pvp. The problem that I have is the fact that every time there is a connection problem, it counts as a “defeat”. Honestly I’ve had it where my game was disconnected 10 games in a row! Which usually is fine cause whatever... internet problems. Recently though I’m angered while playing. If I hadn’t have been disconnected from so many matches, then my level would be way higher. That’s why I’m mad, because I can’t level up high enough to get the rest of the cards I need(which is only 4 cards). I keep getting matched with people 3-4 levels higher than mine, which is bs because it takes literally 2-4 characters just to demolish a single health bar of the opponent. Or I’ll face someone 3 levels lower than mine, though they somehow have all level 5-6 cards (which is physically impossible unless you purchase cards). So for over 6 months now I’ve been stuck in the same tier. I can’t get any higher because of the disconnected matches that count as losses, and because I’m being faced with people I don’t even have a chance of beating. It’s sad that I’m in the same tier too, because within the past six months all I’ve done is upgrade cards and I’ve gotten nowhere! It’s just really disappointing because I can’t play the game the way I want to! My win count on my record, isn’t nearly close to the amount I would’ve won without the connection problems. I’d legit be in legendary by now if it wasn’t for all the bs losses they call connection problems!



Fairly good if not paying for stuff some characters are to strong if you don’t lvl them or even get them early can make progression later on hard recently though it’s bugged where you can’t log in because it says your country can’t play the game...