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Download Shotgun Granny

Shotgun Granny

Category Price Seller Device
Games $1.99 Clockrocket Games iPhone, iPad, iPod

Roll up your moo moo, and fasten your dentures, 'cause you got some aliens to kill!

What the reviewers are saying:

“Clock Rocket hasn't let me down yet, and Shotgun Granny is no exception!”

"Wow this game is fun! ClockRocket has very quickly become my favorite developer for great pick up and play games!"

“This is a great little game for a buck, I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a cute game where you can blast the heck out of UFOs.”

“Shotgun Granny, WTF? Not really. Don't be fooled by her innocent looks, this chick is a die-hard, thrill seeking, freakazoid!”

“At .99 who wouldn't buy this, it's a steal. This game is a blast, and OpenFeint makes it that much better. Highly addictive! A MUST HAVE, for any iPhone or iTouch. Pick It up!!!”

“I would post a longer review but that would be messing with my playing time!”

Clock*Rocket Games' explosive, hilarious action-arcade game tells the story of an ornery lady shot-gunner caught in the midst of an intergalactic war! A war that has found its way to her humble, country porch steps...

There Granny sat, like every other day, minding her own business - when a weird metallic whine swelled over the hillside. She got up to investigate. She looked to the sky... and it grew dark, crowded with circular shadows.

In that instant, Granny knew exactly what was going on.

So, she grabbed her shotgun...

Keywords: game, humor, shooter, arcade, sci-fi, ufo, granny, shotgun

- Explosive shotgun blasting action!
- Get multiple kills per shot for huge points!
- Achievements and online leaderboards via Open Feint!
- Unlock hilarious Granny dialog with multi-kill combos!
- Surprising depth! Easy to play, but difficult to master.
- Collect Ammunition, Super-speed and Mega-bomb powerups.

Languages: English

Requirements: iPhone operating system version 2.2.1 or later

Copyright 2009, Clock Rocket Games


Perfect Casual Game!
"shaken not stirred"

Wow this game is fun! ClockRocket has very quickly become my favorite developer for great pick up and play games! You play as Granny who is protecting her land from relentess aliens. You have to use some strategy when playing. The ammo is very limited. You gain more ammo by shooting down aliens so you want to try and get as many multiple kills with one shot as possible. The boss aliens do not drop more ammo and take more shots to kill. Some will even try to abduct Granny! I am so glad online leaderboards and achievements are included with OpenFeint. This game is really a lot of fun! Definitely worth the full price. I would recommend getting this while it is on sale! Need to get back to playing this!

Great Great Game !!

Very addictive game after awhile. Fairly easy to play but needs lot'sa skills and patience to get high scores. For 99cents, I'd say it's definitely a one great game out there to get. Highly Recommended ! :D

It keeps you interested!

Great graphics, animations and comic theme. The gameplay keeps you interested because you have to manage ammo and try to get as much as UFOs as possible in one shot. My suggestions: - disable game music when iPOD one is playing - mute sounds when pause is activated - resume feature - tilt to move the Granny left/right - save the last entered name in local high score so we don't have to type every time we start the game - support for both landscape orientations

If Archie Bunker was a woman...

I really didn't know what to expect with this game, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. The game play is nothing earth shattering. You play granny, and you move back and forth at the bottom of the screen, blasting all the alien ships flying overhead. As you shoot at the aliens you naturally use up your ammo, but every time you destroy a regular alien shop you get extra ammo back. There are also power ups you can gather along the way, with such diverse effects as speeding up granny for a bit and blowing up everything on the screen. The game ends when you either run out of ammo with nothing left on the ground to pick back up, or all your lives are gone. The trick to shotgun granny game play wise is that you have to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. The more shots where you can get more than one UFO at once, the better off you are. The graphics are very well done. From granny running around in her nightgown to the "extractor" ship that gets a cracked winshield the first time you shoot it, everyithing is nicely detailed and it all just looks good. The real treat is the audio, however. The banjo strummin' beat lays the perfect backdrop for this farm adventure, and all the sounds are just perfect. Whether it's the buckshot firing from granny's gun or the whirring of a UFO's engine, all the noises sound right. The absolute best part of the game is granny's comments. Every time I hear a "get off my land" or "dag nabbit" I can't help but chuckle. If I had to quibble about anything, it would be the walk / shoot mechanic. To walk you can swipe back and forth or tap in the direction you want to move, as long as you're down towards the bottom of the screen. To shoot you tap on the top of the screen in the direction you want to fire. It doesn't happen too often, but there's a fine line between where walking ends and firing begins, and sometimes I shoot when I didn't mean too. The problem is that it usually happens when my ammo is already low, and that's not a good thing. Overall, though, the controls seem to work pretty decent and are very responsive.

Granny with her shotgun

The gameplay is simple, fun, and kind of satisfying. You tap along the ground to move Granny, and tap in the air to fire a blast of shotgun pellets to kill UFOs, but you don't want to get hit by bombs or get beamed up by a UFO. The graphics are of the pleasant cartoony sort, the music is country and western, sound effects are spot-on, and granny has some funny commentary for you to listen to while your playing. Ammo must be conserved and accumulated - if you waste shots, you will run out of ammo very quickly. Each UFO you hit drops ammo for Granny to pick up. Its a good idea to look for opportunities to hit two or more UFOs in one shot in order to accumulate larger amounts of ammo. You can also pick up powerups that give you more lives, a megabomb that destroys everything on screen, and a speed upgrade to make granny move those legs faster! The game also includes OpenFeint integration with many achievements and leaderboards! There are also a ton of secret achievements to be unlocked. I'd recommend this game to anyone who wants a cute game where you are a granny who blast the heck out of UFOs because they are on your property and you want them off!

Get it now!

This game is really fun! It's awesome that the source of ammo is from the space ships you destroy, but it's easy to run out of ammo, so be careful. If you have a spare dollar sitting in iTunes, get this now!!

Perfect for the Iphone
Dorchester Boy

Simple game but very entertaining. Also great soundtack. One thing I would recommend is some way to keep the game running longer. To easy to die.

Heehee so fun!!

Addictive and hilarious :). Shotgun granny is a riot. I love the graphics when she gets abducted, and when she finally succumbs to the alien invasion :). Pill bottle is great :D. Highly recommend! - Kwee


I love this app haha who would have known Grammys had two personalitys haha 5 stars!!!!!!

1st grneration

Why Does this app ony work on 2nd gen. cause my ipod is first gen. And i want this app.

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