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Short Chores

We believe everyone has a skill to offer someone; whether it is baby sitting, plumbing, lawn mowing, etc.  And ordinary people like us need unplanned help when we need it.
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Lifestyle Free Short Chores LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

We are a family of five.  We have  twin boys and a little girl.  We--for the life of us--could not find dependable people to help us with babysitting, cleaning our house or little odd jobs around the house, so we thought to ourselves, "Wouldn't it be awesome if we could just look on a map or some other device and see who is available right now in this moment to help us?"

We are exhausted parents.  We need help now!!  We don't want a contract for lawn mowing or cleaning services. We want to get the help when we need it.  We also know many people that want to make themselves available at times when they need the extra money or maybe slow at work. That is why we created Short Chores.  To connect neighbors to get the job


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