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RTD FlexRide

RTD’s first trip planner with FlexRide allows you to book your FlexRide trip and connect with bus and rail in real time. Includes a fully integrated route planner for bus, rail, and FlexRide, step-by-step navigation, and on-demand ride hailing for FlexRide trips. This is the only travel companion you need to plan your next outing throughout the Denver metro area.
Category Price Seller Device
Travel Free Regional Transportation District iPhone, iPad, iPod

Best features:
- On-demand ride hailing for FlexRide service.

- Users can plan and book rides from FlexRide service areas with a pick-up address or place name, by using a current location, or by picking a location from a map. If the pick-up location is outside of the FlexRide service area, the trip planner will load other transportation options.  

- Easy to use: Click the calendar icon at the top of the screen to schedule a FlexRide by time of pick-up or arrival. Enter your origin location, destination, date, and estimated time of pick up or drop off. Itinerary options will load automatically. Choose an option to load full details. If your ride includes a FlexRide trip, go to the bottom of the screen and “Swipe to Order” to reserve your seat.

- Uses RTD’s real-time data and based on Open Trip Planner.

- Mobile Ticketing – coming soon!


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