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Download Recibo - Receipt Keeper

Recibo - Receipt Keeper

Efficiently and quickly store your receipts.
Category Price Seller Device
Productivity Free Joshua Dong iPhone, iPad, iPod

- Snap or upload photos to be processed and stored.

- Photos are processed w/ Character Recognition scans. Scans will recognize text and return receipt data to the best capability. (Scans work best on uncrumpled receipts and flat images. Recommend taking pictures directly over the receipt.)

- All image and data is stored on device, meaning you can quickly and easily access it.

- All data is only accessible by you, the user of the device.

- Easily export your images as emails, text messages, facebook messages, etc., to your friends, family, or superiors, etc.

- Unlimited Scans, so you can scan and record as many receipts as you want a month.


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