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Download Qobuz for iOS 5/6

Qobuz for iOS 5/6

Music is back.
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Music Free qobuz iPhone, iPad, iPod

Qobuz.com is an online music service: unlimited streaming, high-quality downloads, music magazine. Its comprehensive catalogue covers all music genres, including all the major labels and a great many independent labels.

Qobuz is the only service in the world to offer unlimited streaming in true CD Quality (FLAC 16 bits/44 kHz), through its Qobuz Hi-Fi offer.

The Qobuz app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch enables you to enjoy your Purchases and Hi-Fi offer in CD Quality, even when you are on the go and not connected.



Great ap for a phenomenal service. Options are endless and sound is terrific. Bravo!

Adulaahan Daveed



Great app, thanks (merci!)

Better streaming quality
matthew reid

The reason I subscribed to Qobuz is the quality of streaming. While most sites stream in a lossy mp3 format qobuz offers FLAC quality streaming. How different is this? I run it through. Man mini into NAIM DACv1 and supernait 2 amp and the difference over streaming competitors is clear. However even when on the move am iPhone 5s and decent headphones (I use b&w p5) still shows a noticeable improvement over iTunes downloads. Yes, the quality in Qobuz streaming is superior to the iTunes downloads right now as Apple will not offer apple lossless music. The catalogue is certainly smaller than say apology and the interface is workable but not befitting a premium service but it's good enough especially as it offers the only streaming service of this quality.

Smooth streaming and great sound

Streaming from Qobuz sounds way better than anything else I've tried. The interface makes it easy to play my own music or explore new stuff. It's a pleasure to use.


Wow, just can't figure out this app. Quite a bit of odd Euro-type music. Did a simple search for American artist John Mayer, bizarre results. I'm guessing Qobuz has not officially launched in the United States. I'm deleting the app and might try again later. Hi-Rez streaming? I hope they're successful.


You are not missing any details in the music like you are with iTunes and Spotify. iTunes maxes out at 256 kbps and Spotify at 320 kbps. Qobuz is unlimited cd quality streaming and downloading at 1411 kpbs which is lossless. Amazing!! Please come to the USA soon!


Unbelievable pure streaming quality FLAC!!!!

Killer sound quality

If you're looking for lossless quality streaming look no further and download this app,you won't regret it.

Excellent Quality !

À real must for Quality listening

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