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Prompt Flex

The Prompt Flex app offers midwifery trainees and trainers the ability to run a range of birthing scenarios relating to routine and difficult deliveries. In Drill mode, it allows each step or 'intervention' in the drill to be recorded along a timeline as it is performed, as well as recording the total time taken to deliver baby. Results can be attached to an email for later review and use as a debriefing tool.
Category Price Seller Device
Education Free Limbs & Things Ltd iPhone, iPad, iPod

When used in conjunction with the Limbs & Things Prompt Flex Force Monitoring Bluetooth baby and birthing simulator, the app can also monitor the amount of traction being applied to the baby's head during a shoulder dystocia delivery.

In Meter Mode trainees can learn how to avoid applying excessive traction to the baby's head outside of the context of a scenario. The force is displayed on a colour coded meter with a numerical readout in Newtons alongside.

NB: Requires iPad 3 or above. Incompatible with iPad 2.


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