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Price High or Low

"New, easy, clever app to calculate the ‘right’ fixed price."
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities $8.99 Barolsky Advisors Pty Ltd iPhone, iPad, iPod

"Helps me quote with more confidence."

"Helps me get paid what I'm worth."

"Stops me giving away value and offering big discounts."

"Makes the transition from hourly billing a little easier. "

"Great tool to prepare for price negotiations and value conversations."

PRICE HIGH OR LOW is an app to inform pricing decisions when you need to quote a fixed fee upfront. It has been designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants and other professionals.

The app allows you to choose from over 50 pre-defined criteria, add your own criteria, save templates and share your work with others.

PRICE HIGH OR LOW factors in qualitative elements into your pricing decisions like client value, competition, projects risks and strategic opportunity.

Typical pricing scenarios the app may help with:
* I've scoped and cost this project. Now, how should I price it?
* We need our fixed fee proposal to reflect the risks we're taking.
* Our solution provides a huge benefit to the client. Our price should take into account the value we're creating.
* Project X requires little time but lots of our IP. What should we quote?
* Winning this project (on price) opens up many future business opportunities.
* Going too low on price sets a poor precedent.
* The client is a pain to deal with. We need danger pay.
* Our price needs to recognise the potential for scope creep.

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Handy Pricing Assistant

Very useful tool for thinking through various parameters that impact service delivery pricing. Easy to use.

Great App to check my costings

I work in consulting. This App is a really simple way to validate my costings before completing proposals. A really intuitive approach to critiquing my workings while also getting me to view our proposals (and pricing) from a different point-of-view. Worth checking out!

Nice app for bidding

This is a good app and worth the cost if you do a lot of estimating for bids. It’s a qualitative tool that asks a set of questions - which you can select from a large set - to help you think about how to bid your projects. It is helpful if you routinely have to make estimates. Four stars instead of five due to the somewhat high subscription cost for an app, but if you are involved in high dollar amounts this may be in the noise for an expense.

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